Friday, February 27, 2009

Still brushing crumbs from my lap

I know you're not supposed to blog about what you had for lunch, but what I had for lunch today begs for an exception to this rule.

Chicken avocado sandwich with chili mayo on puff pastry "bread".

Intrigued, aren't you? My sister is visiting this week, so we're doing things a little more decadent. On the weekend, we were at my Dad's to celebrate his 60th birthday, and caught this little number on Giada at Home. (I don't have cable, so this "Food Network" business is novel to me.)

So, you grill (or fry in olive oil, in my case), some chicken breasts, and then let them cook, and slice them thinly. Roll out puff pastry and cut into bread-sized pieces (or a little smaller). Bake them pressed between two cookie sheets to keep them flat (I used parchment paper too). When the puff pastry has cooled, spread a slice with chili mayo (mayo with a sprinkle of chili powder and cayenne), top with avocado slices, chicken, baby spinach, and second slice of mayo'ed pastry. (We didn't double-decker ours like Giada did.) Consume with relish. The adjective, not the condiment.

Yum! They're not even as messy to eat as you'd think.

And now, I'm off to the gym. Because, seriously, a puff pastry sandwich?!


Anonymous said...

Yum! Sounds good. I think you deserve a few puff pastry sandwiches - you're impressing me with your dedication to training.

Sleepwalker said...

We had hot chicken sandwiches tonight and was totally content until I read your blog entry, Now I am consumed with envy. Hmm hmm good.

Ms. Hedda said...

Oh I don't know -- gravy gives puff pastry a run for its money in my books!