Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My life in jots and dashes

- I am not a fan of the single lifestyle. Sweetie McPie left for China before the crack of dawn on Saturday morning, and the kids have been with their Mom since Monday. Days are fine -- I'm used to being alone, and have a decent routine. But at night! I'm at a loss. I watched The Bachelor, and then American Idol! (Under any other circumstances, I would've preferred to spend those hours sticking pins in my eyes...)

- As a singleton, I've been eating dinners like pita pizza and tuna melts. Good, but I'm looking forward to cooking pork chops and broccoli for my family!

- I've been sleeping well. I've confiscated McPie's pillow and now sleep with four pillows (including a kings-sized body pillow) surrounding me in a nest, and it's working! I've been able to coordinate rolling over with getting up to pee, and that means only 2-3 wake-ups during the night. Relative heaven.

- With McPie away, I've rediscovered a measure of external sociability. I hosted book club on Friday, and had friends over for supper on Saturday and Sunday nights (the kids love when we have company. Ben says that having lots of visitors is great because it means people like us. Very important to him.) Lunch yesterday with some ex-coworker now-blog pals was lovely and too-short and satisfied my craving for Indian food. I've been really enjoying reconnecting with friends.

- Afterward, I got plenty of errands done, including picking up more supplies on our "Getting Ready for Your Home Birth" list. I'm feeling prepared. And also, excited!

- Aforementioned Indian food (or the errand-running) led to an evening spent with Monsieur Braxton Hicks. I find these contractions quite interesting -- they are not uncomfortable, but make moving around pretty awkward. Although I've been feeling them pretty regularly since about 20 weeks, at this stage I find them encouraging: training for the big show! Like squats for the uterus. :-)

- I've been knitting. Finished a second wool soaker, and I'm actually working on the trim for my baby blanket. (Pictures to come when I get some batteries for camera.)

- Would like to draw your attention to the best almost-but-not-quite-homemade cookies ever. I treat myself to one each time I go to the market on the bus (from the Natural Food Pantry), and today I picked one up from my local health food store. I'm looking forward to enjoying it for dessert tonight. The chocolate pudding I baked for supper on Sunday night is sadly all gone. (Consumed almost entirely by moi. Yum.)

- We are heading to Huntsville on Friday to celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday. Go Tim! We'll be bringing my sister back with us on Sunday -- she's staying with us for more than a week! Belly-competition picture-taking may ensue...

- I get kids AND husband back tomorrow night. Yay!

1 comment:

Sleepwalker said...

He's gone for China for just a few days? Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment? He'll be jet-lagged for a while after that.