Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm the only one who finds me funny.

An email exchange at work:

EngineerGuy: I've spoken to QEGuy about the issue, he's going push it via the QE council.

MsHedda: I like how they call it the "council". Very Middle Earth.

Then I sit alone in my cube laughing my ass off, imagining the QE Council meeting, the geeks-in-cloaks sitting around an oaken table, with staffs and satchels and whatnot, looking very grave.

"The elders of The Council have spoken. The JMS Messaging bug SHALL NOT PASS!"

I don't get a reply from EngineerGuy.

At least I know my humour gets at least one person through her day.


Sleepwalker said...

heehee - well two, actually.

Trixie said...

a geek didn't laugh at that? hmmm, it must suck to be him.