I'm gaining on the Green Gable. The tale so far is an epic one, but zenfully devoid (so far) of fist shaking, teeth-gnashing, or tears. I'm not sure how I've managed that, given the pits I've fallen into headfirst so far.

The beginning: I started yesterday afternoon. Because I wasn't getting gauge (too many stitches, to the inch - the opposite of Trixie's problem) combined with the weird issues on GG sizing, I spent a good hour on the math before even casting on.
At last, I determined the number I needed to cast on, how many increases I would need, etc. Happily, the backward loop cast-on is super quick (I didn't even need to learn it, since it was my rookie method back in the day)... It's pretty tricky to knit from, so the first row takes a long time.

(Skip to after supper - the troops have been deployed, I have the house to myself.) After at least an hour and a half later, I've got a good 10 rounds in (take a long time when you've started with 114 stitches and are adding 8 every other round!) and the lace part and shoulder seams are looking really good. As in, it seems like I'm doing it right. BUT, I'm started to think that this thing is gonna be huge. Because it looks like I'm getting 5 stitches to the inch - which is correct gauge. I pause to think. I consider calling Trixie. Instead, I check to see if she's posted on her blog. Sure enough, she's also having
GG issues. I call, we hash.
Long story truncated: I decided to keep going despite knowing that my GG is flawed - I can try it on eventually and then determine exactly WHAT the problem is.

But an hour later, pondering the notion that I actually have gauge now... I frogged and started again - this time following the pattern as written, for a size larger than I think I should take. I'll try using one less increase in the bust so it doesn't gape, and...well, that is the plan, and I'll see how it goes.
Strangely, through all this flux, I'm managing a certain calmness, a certainty that this is all part of the necessary process - that the attempts are not preventing me from knitting, but are intrinsic to the knitting. (Apparently, I'm attempting to channel the guru knitting. Also, really wanting to finish one real project in my life.)
So by midnight, I'd managed to cast on again, and knit about 5 rounds. Seems like a more normal size. But now my lace is looking a bit odd...