Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Okay, fine, I give up.

I just got up from a nap. I've napped each day for the past four days. I will no doubt do so again tomorrow. And I really could've used one on Saturday, but couldn't manage to squeeze one in between the baby shower and wine club.

Doesn't seem to matter whether I've gone to the gym (Monday), walked to the grocery store (yesterday), or simply lounged around all morning (Sunday), at a certain moment of the day -- usually after lunch, though today's morning nap was a pre-emptive strike on my part -- the energy just ebbs away... Happily, at most other times of the day, I'm awake, alive, and chipper as hell. And still feeling hale and hearty.

Just like it was hard to scale back my workouts, I'm having a hard time making myself stop and rest. But I'm getting better at it. And I guess at this point, I don't really have much else to do. I've been taking the advice of some experienced friends and enjoying this time to relax, read, and rest. And I feel like I'm doing a mothering task: giving up to my developing offspring whatever extra energy that I can spare. Though this is slightly selfish: I figure the more energy he sucks from me, the faster he'll grow, and the sooner he'll come!

That said, I am off to the gym AND the grocery store... Because exercise is both an energy-giver AND a labour induction strategy. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure absolutely everyone has told you this, but REST! You'll be working hard soon enough. They don't call it labour for nothing :)

That being said, I'm sure the fact that you're so fit is going to help a lot.