Friday, March 27, 2009

Imagine (an analogy)

You are six years old. It's December, and Christmas Eve is just around the corner. You know this because it's cold out -- maybe even snowy -- and you and you family have decorated the Christmas tree. Lots of pretty cookies have been baked in the kitchen, but you're only allowed to have every so often, because "we're saving them for the big day". You're so excited, because you are convinced this is going to be the best Christmas ever, and Santa is going to bring you everything on your list. Or at least the good stuff. You can hardly contain your enthusiasm.

But you have one problem. You don't know when Santa is coming, exactly. That's right, Mom forgot to get an Advent calendar, and nobody will tell you the date. Christmas Eve could be tonight! :-) Or it could be next week. :-(

What's a kid to do?

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Hey Heather! Well I guess that answers my question. At least once a day I think "has Heather had her wee little baby yet?". Sigh, it really will be any day now. Maybe some extra chocolate will help? April is coming... Wishing you the best.