Monday, January 12, 2009

Dilemma of the day

Chocolate cake with roasted walnut chocolate cream cheese icing


Bread pudding made with croissants and studded with chocolate chips

Which do I eat for breakfast?

I'm kidding. I had my usual yogurt/ricotta/flax meal/pumpkinseed/blueberry mélange for breakfast. The dessert dilemma is really a lunch issue.

Ben and his mom came over for supper last night, because McPie was struck with a sudden urge to cook for company. He made pasta with his new pasta maker, and had grand plans for the bread pudding, to be crafted from a giant box of stale croissants he had procured earlier in the afternoon. However, Celine insisted on bringing over the chocolate cake that she was in the midst of making when we called with the invite. So we had the cake for dessert last night, and McPie baked up the pudding this morning... I rolled out of bed today and was bowled over by the smell of fresh baking AND fresh coffee at 8:30 AM.

My life is so hard.

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