Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Already in need of a stern talking-to

We met our second midwife yesterday, and really enjoyed the visit. Nadia is lovely and personable and we got a feeling of warm fuzzies that we found to be a bit missing from our previous appointments. (Midwives work in pairs, and take turns on-call -- a week on, a week off. Whichever one of our pair is on-call when I go into labour will be the one who ultimately attends us.)

Just about everything is well so far. Healthy weight gain (on my part), good measurements for the ute, and with a blood pressure measurement of 100/60, I'm apparently have no trouble relaxing. :-) The midwife nearly fell out of her chair when I told her how much I was squatting lately (she asked!). She was expecting fifteen pounds, not sixty. Fearing I was going to get a talking-to, I frantically assured her that this was half of what I'd normally do, that it's easy, really, I can do lots and lots of reps at that weight without straining. Secretly I was a bit proud, but do realize that in the grand scheme of things, I'm still well in the novice category of fitness. Sigh.

Anyway, one thing we discovered is that the Young Fellow has not yet turned his body head-down yet, which he should have by now. Nadia determined that he's still hanging out sideways, hammock-style, with his head on the right and bum on the left. Although there's not really anything to worry about (he can move any time, really), it's time to start coaxing him into position. She told me to talk to him, let him know there's room down there. And she told me to play music for him -- via headphones applied way low on my belly. Apparently, babies are very likely to follow the music, orient themselves toward the sound.

I'm doing this right now: I loaded Lhasa into my computer and have the headphones plugged in and tucked into my pants. I haven't felt a turn yet, but it seemed that this Young Fellow takes after his brother in the dancing department.

1 comment:

Sleepwalker said...

Sweet. I hope your little fellow enjoys the music and follows it.