Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend postpartum

Today is a stay-inside-and-be-cozy after a busy (but wonderful-as-usual) weekend. Shall we sum it up?

Bookclub on Friday (I can finally put Flaubert's Parrot behind me! Ugh.)

Ballet on Saturday (Peter Pan was okay, but a little bit boring; let's remember in the future that the Royal Winnipeg is technically superior but stylistically traditional, shall we?)

Soul-sucking Ikea yesterday afternoon (but Swedish meatballs and new kitchen cupboard handles, yay!)

A revivifying homemade supper with lovely company last night (Stuffed chicken meatloaf? I love you Lucy Waverman! I got another of her cookbooks for Christmas, and it hasn't disappointed.)

And there was a trip to the gym somewhere in there too...

Now, after returning from a too-early-in-the-morning dentist appointment, I'm pooped and ready for a nap. I'm not sure I'll go that far, but it was easy to decide that today isn't a gym or groceries day. So now, the dilemma for the day: reading or knitting? Both activities will inevitably lead to napping, so maybe it's a no-brainer...


Lala said...

postpartum?? you scared me with that one. You're still antepartum as far as I know.

Ms. Hedda said...

But I have parted from the weekend... :-)