Thursday, January 22, 2009

In dreams, and out

I've been reliving, or living out, my current situation in the dreamscape of sleep. A few nights ago, I had back-to-back dreams (separated by pee breaks, naturally) about leaving work and the process of saying good-bye to coworkers. Interestingly, I have not been in touch with work since I left, and have been feeling guilty about this.

The next night, immediately following our first pre-natal course, I again had a series of dreams (again, punctuated by the nocturnal trip to the can) about childbirth. The first dream was a labour dream; the second focused on breastfeeding. (In which, when my "milk came in" my boobs took the shape of long dangly carrots that extended to almost the bottom hem of my shirt. Very disturbing.)

Finally, last night, the narrative was completed by a dream of miscarriage. Like all the pregnancy dreams so far, it was slightly but not very disturbing, a little comical, and completely surreal in its details. (E.g., My belly popped like a balloon, but there was no gore.)

I suspect that tonight's dream will focus on laundry and dishwashing.

Ultimately, I like to think that all this dreaming means I've finally found the correct configuration of pillows that allow me to sleep well, waking only the minimum number of times (say 4-5) required to depressurized my bladder and roll over to alleviate the ache in whichever shoulder/hip I'd been lying on. I'm optimistic that it won't get (much) worse. Yet.

* * *

Holiday mode seemed to last and last around here, what with post-Christmas trips to southern Ontario, and visits from my Dad and Mom respectively. Last week, I finally got down to business and it's been a whirlwind since then. In the past week or so, I've cleared out the spare room-cum-nursery, begun phase two of paid editing work, painted the nursery, did McPie's back-taxes, and knitted a woolen diaper cover. (Modeled here by Amos the bear.)

I've also maintained my usual routines of gym, laundry, and general household work. AND both kids have been sick -- of the past 8 school days, I've had one or the other here at home for 4 of them. Would have been more, but the Moms pitched in.

Phewf! It's a very good thing I don't have a real job.

The nursery and editing will be done by the end of January, making way for a very busy February. We have plans for every weekend (away for at least two of them), and McPie has been roped into back-to-back work trips to California and China. I'll be making appointments during these weeks (kinesiologist, chiropractor, dentist, anyone wanna have coffee?), since I'll have a car and will be mobile during the day.

And I'll nap, of course.


Sleepwalker said...

Who knows? You may even dream of napping.
Put me on the list for lunch or something while McPie is away and you are trying to alleviate your loneliness.
Your woolen diaper cover is fabulous: the best (and only!) I have ever had the pleasure to see.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Sleepwalker's comments about lunch or something, and the diaper cover's great!

Anonymous said...

ooh a caaaar. Will you finally come visit my new house? Only been here since May.......