Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dispatches from a hotel room

It's a suite, actually, and very comfy at that. We realized that Winnipeg then (2005) and now is the only Nationals where we've stayed in a hotel room, as opposed to some sort of dorm. This is very civilized.

Tim is currently behaving in a manner unusual for him but common to babies: he is napping. (Though now that I've written that, he's bound to wake up.) I've finished coffee and am on to breakfast. McPie is at the fields for an early morning game, though like yesterday and most of the day before, he's just shouting orders from the sidelines. He expects his knee will recover in time, as it did when he originally injured it. He promises to go for a REAL assessment (hopefully involving MRI technology), but doesn't think anything is torn -- just twisted and swollen. (No pain now, just stiffness.)

Anyway, it's a huge bummer for him to not play, but vacation-wise, the trip to Winnipeg has been very nice. I personally quite enjoy watching frisbee, and although a bit on the hot side, the weather's been nice. We've taken Tim to both the Keg and to Indian buffet for dinner, and he was a champ both times (ie: fell asleep quickly). He's also renowned in the hotel as the kid who's stroller takes up all the space in the teeny-tiny elevators. No seriously, the front desk staff have been pass the word about "the cute baby in 1609". That's my boy!

I also scored a bottle of 2004 Clos Jordanne pinot noir, which may not sound like much to you, but is my all-time favourite wine and it totally sold out in Ontario two years ago. (When it was released, we got like the last two bottles in the province except for the stash up in Timmins). The wine store here only had the one bottle of 2004, the rest were 2006 which is kind of splitting hairs except that I'm a total geek about this particular wine. (I did try the 2006 - it was a Christmas gift from McPie and served as my "post-pregnancy celebration" wine.) So, yay wine in Winnipeg!

And happily for at least me, the night-time thunderstorms have rendered the fields sloppy enough to cancel some of the games, including the rest that McPie was scheduled to "play" today (because they are in the bottom half in their division -- and I think they'd be in the top half if he hadn't been injured, but this is about silver linings, right?) So he'll be home early from the fields and we can do more touristing.

Here, Tim enjoys a Long Island iced tea and some nachos and artichoke dip at The Forks.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Glad to hear that you're having a good trip.I hope that Ken's knee heels quickly!