Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Series of Unfortunate (Commuting) Events

First, I would like to note that I am enjoying the weather we are currently experiencing (aftermath of Big Snow Dump). I like shoveling. I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere. The gym, the grocery store, the mall and the school are all within easy walking distance. It's beautiful outside, and my house has lots of large windows so I can enjoy the scenery no matter where I turn.

It's easy for me though - I don't have to drive anywhere. I don't have to deal with the current Trifecta of Traffic Crap that's currently occuring in our city. The TTC comprises the following: the Chaudière Bridge between Hull and Ottawa is closed; 20 cm of snow fell within 24 hours; and OC Transpo is now on strike, resulting in an additional 20% of cars on the road.

It took McPie 2.5 hours to drive home on Friday night. (Thank goodness he left at 3:30, or he'd have missed the first flight of wine!) Since then, we've been working hard to develop a strategy for maintaining Commuter Zen, so he doesn't lose his mind (thereby leaving me as the last sane person in the house). His work has been accommodating so far, and he's working from home tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I enjoy some of the resulting entertaining blowing-of-steam:

[Cc'd on this email that he sent to coworkers via blackberry on the day that the Bridge closed last week without warning, trapping him on THIS side of the river]

"I will *likely* be late today. I am in some unholy traffic at the moment. What is going on? Is there a nuclear attack underway that I am not aware of? Is parliament under seige? Was Nico voted off So You Think You Can Dance Canada, because c'mon, dude is gonna win. Did a truck full of puppies crash on the queensway? (I am nowhere near the queensway at the moment but I would kick one of those puppies right now if I had the chance.) I have moved about 200 m while typing this. Now, I know you are thinking 'Ken its not safe to text and drive!' But therein lies my point: I am not driving. I am making sure no one steals my car while I idle it on the street. OH MY GOD I HAVE GROWN A BEARD! Ridiculous. Hope to see you guys again some day. Remember me..."

I'm sure many out there can relate. I'm thanking my lucky stars I don't have to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's the funniest thing I've read in a while!