Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Don't blink!

How is it that when I blink my eyes, another week has passed? I swear that my sense of time these days is set to "turbo". I don't feel busy or anything, and I was always given to understand that keeping busy makes the time pass quickly. My theory is that the dread factor slows time down. Moments of dread (such as the kind that sets in on Sunday afternoon when you realize the weekend is coming to an end and you have a whole week of work ahead of you and you probably should've done some over the weekend, but you probably won't get to it, making Monday morning all the more dreadful) seem to drag on and on... While moment of peace, happiness, or simple contentment pass in a blink.

Guess how I've been spending my time? Not in a state of dread, I'll tell you that much!

In fact, that's about all I can say about spending my time, because other than "not dreading anything" I can't seem to pin it down! I've been getting to the gym three or four times a week, which is good for a good hours of my day (between the packing before, walking there, stopping at the handily located grocery store, showering, and then the inevitable post-workout rest). I cook and bake (not elaborately, but enough to keep the troops happy). I've been reading a little -- mostly stuff about having a baby (I think it's just about time to move on to reading books on topics such as "what to do with the baby once it's here"), but also struggling away at some fiction that has no discernible plot. And no, I haven't finished Heart of Darkness. I'm about 10 pages from the end and can't close the deal. I hate it! So far nothing comprehensible has happened, and it doesn't look likely in the next few pages.

Hanging out with the kids has been pretty fun lately. Last week, we cuddled up to enjoy some So You Think You Can Dance. The kids are really into it. They were also relieved when Izaak was eliminated, even though Ben conceded that he had a few nice moves. (BTW, I'm very excited about tonight's episode! Fewer people = MORE DANCING! Yay!)

And McPie and I finished working our way through all the seasons of Buffy. I think McPie's a bigger fan now that I am. He didn't even want to watch the special features on the final DVD after we'd finished the last episode -- it was too depressing to realize it was over. At least now we can get back to lingering at the table over a homecooked meal and bottle of wine. (I'm gaining a true appreciation for the smell of wine. Hmph.)

We visited the midwife again today. The highlight was stopping in at the cheese shop on the way home, to stock up on treats for the wine club we're hosting this weekend. No, actually, the appointment went well, I got some questions answered, and everything is measuring up nicely. We booked our pre-natal courses for the new year. With all the reading and thinking and discussing and planning we've been doing lately, I have to say I'm getting really really really excited about the events to come. I'm even excited about the labour process. Kind of in the same way one would "look forward" to, say, one's first ironman triathlon. (When one has never swam, biked, or run competitively before.) You know, a challenge. It gives all the healthy things I do every day (work out, eat well, nap, avoid anxiety) new meaning. So, I guess I'm not at all regretting that this particular time is passing quickly, so I can get "there". I just have to make sure I stay efficient in my rose-smelling, so I don't miss a moment of this.

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