Thursday, September 18, 2008

Breaking news

I just got a call from the Maison de Naissance ("birth house", ie: midwifery clinic), and I have a midwife!!

After being told just a few days ago in a tone of certainty that this was truly a longshot, probably not going to happen, and after worrying my little heart over it in the meantime (because I have, perhaps irresponsibly, been unable to imagine undergoing OB "care" unless absolutely necessary and then suddenly staring that possibility in the face), I have only one thing to say:



Anonymous said...

Yay! That must be such a relief!

By the time I figured out that I wanted a midwife when I was pregnant with Calder, I couldn't find one who was available (but I did have a doula, and she was fantastic). And then things were so complicated with Jake that I didn't really have the option.

JoT said...

Congratulations, Heather & Ken (and sibs)!!

I wanted so badly to have Gillian at the birth house in Gatineau - it's really lovely. Alas, it wasn't to be, but I still had my midwife births (at the General though). I also had a doula for baby #2. What a great concept.