Thursday, August 7, 2008


The count: 3 weeks (minus most of one in to be spent in Calgary), OR 8.5 working days.

Then, I move on to my next job. I will be self-employed, and have been working on my own job description. Here is what I have so far:

Incumbent will be responsible for the following activities:

read fiction
make lunches the night before
write anything, often
play the piano
bake bread and cookies
wave good-bye to family from porch each morning
study French
learn a computer useful program such as DreamWeaver
keep loose tabs on contracting opportunities
work out
preserve vegetables
think seriously, consider deeply
blog daily
take the YMCA fitness certification basic theory course
redecorate the spare room
keep abreast of (or even atop!) the laundry situation
boost overall family morale

Note: This is a living document and will be continuously updated.


Sleepwalker said...

You inspire me...

Anonymous said...


I'm super stoked for you. This is a brave decision. And one that I believe many of us wish we had the courage to make. I look forward to hearing/reading/seeing the changes.

Lala said...

Did you get that link I sent you?

Anonymous said...

Excellent list! Have a great time at Nationals!