Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Spread the word

If you happen to know anyone who might be interested, here is a tidbit to pass along:

My mother and sister have officially listed The Farmhouse Inn for sale, and here is a place that has all the information.

This is what they're saying about selling the inn:

"When we purchased the Inn in 2005, we had a 5 year plan in mind, and still do. B&B's typically take a few years to sell, so going into our 4th season, we have decided to be proactive. So spread the word, if you know anyone that's looking to live and work in the most beautiful place on earth, meet wonderful people from around the world and be their own boss let them know that the Farmhouse Inn is for sale."

I know there are only a few of you out there reading this (Hi Guys!), but you never know where word of mouth might lead...


Sleepwalker said...

Wow, has it been 4 years already? Will they be staying in that community or coming back to Ottawa? It was definitely a good idea to post. You never know.

Ms. Hedda said...

Tempes fugit! This will be their fourth summer, and they've built the business year over year.

I'm pretty sure the Kelly girls are Maritime converts. They have no plans to return to Ontario, though we'll be certainly be planning to add a comfy guest room to our place to ensure plentiful and substantial visiting opportunities.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea it was five year gig, I thought it was for life. The Maritimes are ....interesting... but I miss Ottawa with Gusto. I'll be seeing you in March my dear.