Monday, February 25, 2008

Mickey Mouse 101

I'm taking a college course: "Introduction to Libraries". I'm taking it to see if I might want to take further courses in the same subject. In case I decide one day that I want to, you know, work in a library, in a professional capacity. (Hey, you never know!)

All I can say is, college is very different from grad school. The most remarkable thing so far about this course is that, every night so far, I've made it to class on time.


Sleepwalker said...

Tell us more about it. I am curious to know what you like and dislike about the class. And happy to read that you are looking at alternatives to your current job.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Are you enjoying the class?

After getting my BA and not finding work as an anthropologist(!), I applied to three programs at Algonquin: Library studies, Archives, and IS. There are days when I think I chose the wrong one. Today is definitely one of those days.

Ms. Hedda said...

Hey - thanks for the comments! After I finish the big assignment due today, I'll follow up with a posting with details.