Monday, September 19, 2011

Ah, ben oui Gabby!

Constance is teaching Tim French by having him imitate her phone conversations. It's extremely cute; his intonation is dead-on. Tim's word for telephone: tadalome.

Elephant? Adalint.
Yogurt? Yo-yo baby (single-serve cup), or big yo-yo (from the carton)
Cat? Wawa ticky.
Museum? Meeyoom.
Juice? Toot.
Bus? Beep beep. (Usually "big beep beep".)

Today as we were cuddled up for naptime, we had this conversation:

Tim: "Meck in Mommy big boobie" [Milk in Mommy's boobie]
H: Where did the milk go?
Tim: "Tim gank meck" [Tim drank the milk]
H: "When did you drink Mommy's milk?"
Tim: "Beebee Tim." [Baby Tim]
H: "What did the milk do to you?"
Tim: "Make tong and hety." [Made me strong and healthy]

Aside from experimenting with hitting, refusing to eat at mealtime, and denying the existence of the potty, two is pretty awesome.

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