Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Many people told me that caring for a baby becomes suddenly and immensely easier when the baby reaches three months. For us, three months coincided with the beginning of McPie's parental leave, so it's hard to say if Timothy's age has had anything to do with the fact that having an infant as become less of a slog. Splitting the work, naturally, makes a colossal difference. However, in the past few weeks, since we passed the three month milestone, Timothy has undergone some changes and realized some growth achievements that make him way more fun and interesting:

He discovered his hands. It is so much fun to watch him try to manipulate anything that he can grab. He loves to work a blanket, but has become particularly interested in beverages that Mama or Dad are holding. (Unfortunately, getting the hands also spelled the end of swaddling, but he's sleeping better so it sort of works out...)

He can sit up with support. This gives us new options for hanging out (it also is an indicator of his newfound sturdiness -- we no longer have to worry so much about constantly supporting his head.) Suppers are easier because he can just sit comfortably on a parent's lap while we eat.

He's sleeping in his crib (in his own bedroom). I still get up to feed him a couple of times a night, but his thrashing and rolling doesn't keep us awake. The transition to crib was pretty seamless. He's also started napping in his crib for an appreciable amount of time (like, at least 1/2 and hour).

(Photo is apropos of nothing other than it is hilarious. Kid's got a sense of humor.)

He laughs like crazy a) when Dad eats him like a cob of corn, b) during the "Boo!" game, c) after a good meal, or d) because he's happy to see us.

In general, the summer so far has been heavenly -- relaxed, fun, with plenty of morning lattés and afternoon Coronas. And frisbee baths. (We are thinking of upgrading to a real kiddie pool soon.)

We are enjoying Tim, Ben and Constance to the max, but have managed to find some space for ourselves as well. We have some fun activities planned for the next few weeks -- a couple of frisbee tournaments, a trip to Winnipeg (for frisbee Nationals, of course!), and lots of afternoons at the local public outdoor pool.

1 comment:

Sleepwalker said...

The "baby-in-a-frisbee" picture is awesome. Can't wait to see him fly...