Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bloomin' summer

Our unkempt and unruly rose bush has begun to bloom (several weeks behind our neighbours, but that's somehow unsurprising). Sweetie McPie brought this in yesterday morning:

It's as pungent as it is beautiful, totally deodorizing our kitchen.

It's been so long since I posted, I keep thinking I need to post something dramatic, or at least important. Alas. Frisbee season is getting the better of me, timewise, and I've got nothin. And it may be awhile until I'm back to regular. (It's going well, btw, the frisbee. The training this winter is paying off - at least in the sense that I could actually sorta run pretty fast, which doesn't usually kick in until early-mid July, after a long winter's hibernation.)

Anyway, I promised news of the garden. I diligently took daily progress pictures early on, but the thing has busted loose, so I'll make a long story short.

I planted early, end of April. Yes, it's as tiny as it looks. That's why there are only three vegetables planted in it. And yes, it's taking up the middle of our little yard. The kids don't use the yard much; I put into action the old proverb use it or lose it.

So it took a few weeks for the first shoots to show.

Handmade signs, courtesy of Ms. Constance.

Not shown: asparagus, rhubarb, herbs, tomatos (all in separate patches or pots around the property).

Now, we're all green, despite the leaf miners in my swiss chard. But darn it all - thought I had a recent shot of it - but I don't. However, I won't let that stop me from posting. I'll add the final shot later. Sorry to keep you in suspense! But you'll be really impressed!

This summer is experimental, and I doubt I'll get much of a yield. But next year, when I roll in the compost that I've created in my new, handmade composter... Then we'll be livin' off the land.

McPie taught me how to drive nails for this baby. A skill that will come in handy in future puttering endeavours, I'm sure. (This picture is from April. The thing is like 1/3 full already! Also, it now has a lid.)

1 comment:

Sleepwalker said...

You rock! I admire your dedication, knowing how time-consuming frisbee gets. Bring on the greens!