Friday, December 21, 2007

Facing an uphill battle

I, McPie, and our friend G have been "virtually" working out together for several weeks? months? We each go to our own gyms, but share reports of workouts, training information and general encouragement through email. I love the arrangement -- I have a forum to ask questions, an audience for my fount of fitness knowledge, we can slag each other mercilessly, and don't have to actually share equipment with those jokers.

Kidding. Mostly. It's fun to have workout pals, even if they don't come to gym with you. (And honestly, I'm an intorvert. I prefer solo.) I like not having to compete directly (I have a disadvantage as a girl; this would maybe be discouraging), but I can strive indirectly to keep up with the others.

Anyway. The boys do these things called "chin-ups". You may have heard of them. (Again, I kid. I know you know what I'm talking about.) McPie can do many of them in a row. Or, at least, some in a row. Multiple sets of multiple chin-ups. G can do at least one. Maybe more. He fails to report on this particular move. I haven't attempted this exercise because the chin up bar at my gym is... Well, there are usually other people around and I'd have to move equipment around to get at it, and who knows what would happen, and did I mention there are usually other people around? So I've never done chin-up.

Today I had the gym to myself. So I decided to try to take a baseline of my chin-up ability, and pulled a bench under the bar, so I could reach it...

Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha.

Such folly was my optimism.

I could pull myself up exactly 0 (zero) inches. I pulled and I pulled, and I was successful only at HANGING from the bar. And I think I pulled my brachialis doing so.

But, I did not give up easily. I tried starting hanging with my arms bent at 90 degrees. I was able to hold myself up for about 2 seconds (a generous estimate). I tried starting at the top (chin over the bar; I had to jump to get there), and lowering myself slowly down. Before I even got to 90 degrees, I fell like a limp doll.

But I tried all of these things multiple times (never with success). And I'll do it again the next time I have the gym to myself. I've gotta start somewhere, right?

Edit: re: Going to the gym solo. In fact, I would love to go the gym with McPie and G. And also, are we EVER going to get to play on the same frisbee team? Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

1? wtf? Come on. Seven. Also, eccentrics seem to provide (I have a link around here somewhere ;-) greater strength benefits than concentrics. So, get yourself to the top and lower yourself slowly. Take at least 4 seconds. And someday, little girly you be strong like bull, like . . . me.

Trixie said...

ahh the flexed arm hang. my nemisis back in the participaction days. sigh. i loath you flexed arm hang and my serious lack of upper body strength.

Ms. Hedda said...

Anonymous - I knew I could get you to speak up! Seven is good.

Yes, after reading the info on the eccentric movement, I figured starting from the top would be the way to go. Four seconds is a stretch though (but something to work towards). More like 2 seconds until I hit the 90 degree mark, and then FLOP!

My biggest problem now with the chin-ups is finding the gym empty. ;-)