Friday, November 23, 2007

Say it with me: T-G-I-F-F!

Last week, I gave Sweetie McPie the lovely and extremely personal gift of his very own virulent pneumonia. He accepted it graciously, but thoughtfully refrained from passing it along to the children.

Nonetheless, it's now been a few weeks that we've been limping along domestically, trying to keep things in order with one parent or the other in bed, and neither of us sleeping at night. (The coughing! Oh, the coughing...)

So, we are very much looking forward to a non-sick, non-kid, non-traveling, non-hosting weekend, starting in about six please-let-them-be-short hours. We're all stocked up with a cupboard full of chili fixin's, and a stack of borrowed Buffy DVDs.

At long last, we'll soon be back to our old superhero selves. Just in time for Christmas.

1 comment:

Trixie said...

how was your weekend? how much buffy did you watch?