Two days ago, I mentioned that we were in the market for a second car. As of yesterday, we've dropped out of that market -- without having acquired a car.
We didn't WANT to get a second car. We've been trying for years to stay committed to the reduced cost and footprint of having to work with just one car. It was a bit trickier with a little one, but we have a kickass stroller that carries a lot of stuff and pushes really easily. And we managed with CommunAuto because I could transport Tim in his infant carseat, which attached handily to the stroller.
We used the shared car a lot, because pretty much any activity other than shopping and going to a playground (ie: swimming lessons, music class, visiting any friends) required a drive.
But Tim has just outgrown the infant seat, and our supercalifragilistic convertible carseat is awkward and heavy and I just couldn't figure out how to get it to the shared car easily enough that I'd actually want to leave the house. In my head, I was stuck.
Then, coincidentally, I decided yesterday to catch up on my blog reading, and came across Alison's new writing gig. Her latest article made me do a double-take.
It reminded me of all the reasons we DON'T want a second car, and of many of the reasons we don't NEED a second car. It also provided the solution to my toddler-transport problem. It's so obvious that I seriously smacked my head and groaned: get a smaller, more portable carseat.
Duh. McPie read the article too, and we agreed that with a few adjustments (some mental), we could continue for awhile longer as we are.
And, rather than a new smaller carseat, my sister pointed me in the direction of the Carseat Travelmate. How cool is that? So cool, in fact, that all last night McPie was smacking HIS head and groaning, saying "why did I not invent that already?"
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