It's the first week of September, the kids are back to school, and there's a whiff of autumn in the air. In other words, it's the beginning of new year. My resolution: blog. Life these days is wonderful, challenging, complex, and full, and I don't want to miss capturing it and sharing it.
To avoid starting out already overwhelmed, I'll start fresh. No backtracking to try to catch up on the months that have passed unrecorded. It will have to suffice to say: we had a wonderful, busy, hot, fun summer full of travel (Baba's in Nova Scotia, Grandpa's cottage, frisbee Nationals in Sherbrooke, Nana's in Guelph), and full of family. Tim is growing into quite the little boy, who adores playing with his brother, loves the attentions of his beautiful big sister, and is getting pretty good at playing with himself. I've found a sort of groove as a mama and homemaker, and am much less frustrated and anxious than I was in the spring. (Turns out, we likely just had a bit of cabin fever. Also, we're sleeping a lot better!)
First exciting project that is unfolding this week: Operation Mobilize! We're finally taking action to acquire a second car so Mama and Tim can go out and do stuff outside of our neighbourhood. We're signed up to start swimming lessons and music/storytime in the coming weeks, and we've grown out of CommunAuto.
We've been putting off getting a second care for ages because we've been trying to stay committed to being a one-car family. Minimize carbon footprint, stay connected as a family, yada yada... But Tim and I find ourselves just sort of stuck many days, and it'll get worse as the weather worsens and the possibilities of what do do within walking distance shrink. So, we're going to thoughtfully and judiciously dip our toe into the stream of "average suburbites". Imagine.
Meanwhile, here's where we are: mellow, and usually hanging out in the backyard:
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