Friday, April 17, 2009

On losing the "baby weight"

I'm itching to get to the gym again, partly because I feel very hale and hearty (hardy?) (but dont' worry, I'm not going to overdo anything, and probably won't get in a workout for weeks anyway), but mainly because I want to weigh myself. I don't have a scale here, and always used the gym scale to track my weight gain through pregnancy. (About 30 pounds, for the record.) I'm extremely curious about how much weight I've lost -- through delivery, and over the past 1. 5 weeks.

I've been for a couple of walks with Timothy in the buggy (to the grocery store today!), and it's AWESOME to be able to walk at whatever pace I want without waddling, without backache, without wanting to lie down on the curb and have a nap. I feel light as a feather!

My post-baby belly has a fascinating squishy texture which I'm slightly obsessed with. But it's shrinking daily -- McPie and I snapped a picture last night (or the night before?) in order to capture it before it was gone completely.

They say that breastfeeding moms shed the "baby weight" really quickly, because you really do need to eat for two, what with manufacturing the entire diet for another whole person. In my opinion and now experience, breastfeeding women probably lose the babyweight quickly because when the f--- are we supposed EAT? Baby's needs are so very pressing: "Food: NOW". "Crappy diaper: NOW PLEASE!" "Food food food!!!! NOW NOW NOW!!!"

They really don't take "excuse me for a moment, I need to shove a peanut butter spoon in my mouth so I don't die" very well. Tim and I are working on that bit of etiquette.

So anyway, I managed to finally get Timothy strapped into the moby and settled for lunch by 2:30 today, at which point I made and inhaled an avocado sandwich... accompanied by a glass of wine because oh my god do I ever deserve it.


Yes, I have bad hair, but it's CLEAN bad hair. Best I could manage -- a shower, if not a blow-dry. Also, I dressed Timothy in an over-the-head number today... and it wasn't that hard. So our wardrobe possibilities have opened up considerably.

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