Monday, May 28, 2007

Since when...

...are they called the Anaheim "Ducks"? They're not Mighty any more? Is "Ducks" supposed to be more sophisticated? Did ownership change and/or Disney sue for trademark infringement?

Both names are stupid for a hockey team (I'm sure this isn't a novel judgement), but at least there was a reason for the previous name (however lame).

Just "Ducks"? It's just stupid. Stupid like hockey mania is stupid.

(Look, now that I've given in and watch TV every so often, I need a new target for my withering disapproval.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So - you've been found out. A closet hockey fan. The hockey chatter at the office is usually between 8:30 - 9:00 in the kitchen.
Next up you should check out Heroes. I've only recently discovered it - I think it is quite good.