Sunday, March 3, 2013

Food! Glorious food!

Ruby-doo will be six months old this coming Friday. For weeks now, she's been watching us like a hawk at mealtimes, following our forks from plate to mouth with eyes gleaming with curiosity and intent. She even kicks up a fuss when relegated to the bouncy chair on the floor; nothing less than the front row seat of Mom or Dad's lap will do. She's also mastered the knack of grabbing things and passing them back and forth between hands, and bringing them to her mouth.

So we figured she's ready to try her hand (and mouth) with real food.

First, we had to test her high chair readiness. Though she's getting there quickly, she's not quite sitting up on her own yet, so we had to make sure she she'd be comfortable in her high chair.

Okay, I'm good! Bring it on.
Next up: dinner time! I cooked up a few pieces of sweet potato so they were nice and soft. Ruby was very excited to join us at the table, and curious about the potato. She immediately began man-handling the goods, and got it to her mouth without delay. It was when she managed to actually swallow some that she became a little... uncertain. And decided it was time to stop playing this game. But it was the first time in her wee little life she'd ever swallowed something solid, so you can't really blame her.
You guys sure about this?
Okay, I'll give it a whirl.
Not bad, not bad.

Um, no.

Let the adventures begin!

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