Thursday, January 31, 2013

Child('s) play

I have a confession to make: I don't like playing with my kid. There. I said it. (Does that make me a terrible stay-at-home-mom?)

There are a couple of reasons I don't like playing with my kid. First, kid games are kinda boring. I totally appreciate observing my child learn and discover, and I'm happy to learn with them. But take the simplest concept (say, falling down in a funny way, or doing somersaults), and repeat x 1000 times = ugh! Enough already!

But more than that: my kid is a bitch. He doesn't always play nice. He's kinda bossy. I usually get bitched at for doing it wrong (even when I'm imitating him exactly; other times, I can't understand wtf he wants me to do). Or heaven forbid, I try to bow out due to fatigue (usually mental), or the baby is screaming. Like today, we were playing -- apparently -- belly flop. And throwing myself horizontally into the air and landing spread-eagled on the futon mattress on the floor was painful, especially as I was still in my pj's (ie: no bra, still lactating). So I fell knees first, instead of full lay-out. Cue TimmyTantrum™.


Luckily, Tim has an accomplice on the horizon.

Miss Ruby cannot keep her eyes off her brother. Better still if he's moving. She's DYING to play those boring, physical games. I can't quite tell yet whether she'll be the type to happily take his shit, or definitely take no shit... But I'm confident it will be one or the other.

Then all I'll have to worry about is keeping them in peanut butter and jelly sammiches.

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