Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Perma PJ's

After nap 'nack, with bedhead.
Lately, Tim has been obsessed with wearing pyjamas. Typically, I get him dressed in regular clothes at some point in the morning because we are going out somewhere. Upon arrival chez nous, he'll beeline it to his room, close the door, and emerge awhile later wearing PJ's. Part of the fascination for him in all this is putting them on all by himself, so inevitably he spends the rest of the day (or until we get dressed to go somewhere else) with all or part of his PJ's on inside-out and/or backwards. While Tim is quite particular about getting his shoes on the correct feet, he's not fussy at all about the relative position of his pyjamas, as long as they are on his body. (The above photo was taken at about 5:30 pm.)

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