Monday, March 24, 2008

The Good, the Bad, and the Oh My God

In that order.

Good: kitchen counter is pretty much finished. [Sounds of angels singing on high: "AAAAAAAAH"]

You wouldn't think a kitchen counter would be such a big deal (or take five weekends to acquire), but when you do it yourself from scratch it takes on a whole new meaning. Such as: "pride and joy".

Cool bonus stuff: McPie built a shelf for recipe books and recycling.

It's got a magic desk! (Not yet stained, but fun!)

Ok, now the bad... I mentioned before about a sort of leaky roof? And you may have noticed, out your window lately, the WORST WINTER ON RECORD? In the NCR, that means snow snow snow snow rain melt freeze snow snow snow rain rain rain freeze snow. And THAT means really leaky roof.

Wednesday morning. McPie notices dripping ceiling, pokes hole in ceiling to release pressure and water flows freely.

There was nothing we could do about it, so we went to work. After work, we went to the track. (Hey, I ran a mile in 7:02 minutes. McPie beat me with a 6:22 mile!) Anyway, when we arrived home at like, late.

Same foyer, 12 hours later:

The lily survived; the table did not.

That white stuff there on the floor is the ceiling. Sigh. Up there, where all that darkness is is soggy, moldy insulation. There is an enormous ice dam on our roof which is totally unbudgeable, even by the redoubtable McPie. Thus, we have a major renovation in our future. But when that happens, the sun will be bright, the weather will be sunny and spring well under way. (I'm still operating under the assumption that spring IS coming.)

[Note: my foyer is not actually the colour of blue that appears in the picture. It's the camera flash that makes it appear to be kids-bedroom-blue.]

Enough house stuff for awhile. Next up: chin-up progress. Look for the entry titled "So Close I Can Taste It".

1 comment:

Trixie said...

the counter is lovely. but the ceiling! oh no!

ps. work is insane which why you haven't heard from me.