Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Confessions of a closet TV watcher

I'm watching "So You Think You Can Dance?".

I love it.

Granted, it's like the "finals". Or something like that. I don't really know how these shows work. I assume that the embarrassing tryouts would be intolerable. All I know is the dancing is really kicking ass.

It occurs to me that I LOVE watching dancing. I thought it was just ballet that got me going but no, dancing in general seems to do it. Don't know where it comes from; it's not something I or anyone in my family does, as a rule. (Though my dad is a pretty peppy lead.)

It was so cool seeing all the different styles. I didn't start watching until Ashlee and Ricky, who's music was awesome. My fave number (see, I've got the lingo!) was obviously Sara and Jesus - it' was electric. They were so unfair to the Russian girl doing the hip hop. She was awesome.

(Hm. I love ballet; I fall asleep at operas. I'm guiltily lapping up So you Think You Can Dance; I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would spend as much as 30 seconds watching American Idol. (I've even tried, to no avail.) I can remember word for word things I've read on a page; recited poetry or aloud reading sounds like a different language to me unless it's rreeaalllly rreeaalllly ssllooww. Think I'm visually oriented?)

The TV thing: McPie is at a show tonight, and I'm home with the kids. They are now sleeping. I'm lost in my moment of freedom. So I watch TV.

(We had an awesome night: visit from Maman solidified the kids' good mood; at dinner they were all "Yummy supper Hevver! Thank you!" (magic to a parents' ears); and there were presents from clothes for everyone - even me! - he'd snuck off to Old Navy at lunch time today.)

Another confession - I'm not even knitting while watching TV. Though I may pick it up. Friday Night Lights is on next...

(I promise that as soon as FNL is over, I'll get back to Alice Munro. McPie won't be home til midnight... Lots of time. And I'm avoiding work.)


Anonymous said...

I've watched a few episodes of So you Think you Can Dance - I quite like it as well. I'm amazed at what the dancers can do with their bodies. As a "stiff" dancer myself, I'm impressed with how free they are.
FNL is an excellent program. Not so much for the football component but for how it is filmed.

Ms. Hedda said...

Further confession: FNL made me cry last night. I sure want Jason and Lyla to patch things up. She's so perfect - how could you not forgive her?

Anonymous said...

seriously. It's like saying Jari Kurri, you suck because your pardner, Gretzky is awesome. In the audition portion of the show the Russian girl did the tango with her brother. And the judges all announced how totally sexy and beatiful she was. It would have been thoroughly creepy except that a) I think it's okay to say that when you're not at work (and especially dancing) and b) it totally was. (also, brother was not auditioning, just a prop!). I could give a run-down on how the show works but your fans may revolt on the length & boredom of that post.

Ms. Hedda said...

I don't care how it works! I just like to watch the dancing.

"Fans" is a bit strong, don't you think?

Trixie said...

i dunno, i consider myself a fan...

there's something about so you think you can dance that is so watchable. even the auditions are amusing. i can't watch american idol at all; it makes my skin crawl. so you think you can dance just feels different. maybe it is easier to watch people murder a dance routine than it is to listen to them murder a song -- watching someone dance their ass off vs. sing their ass off is somehow much less cringeworthy.

i hear rave reviews of FNL but never manage to remember when it is on. i hardly watch tv these days. i'll catch it on dvd.

anyway hk, your secret is out. how does it feel? it is nice to know you can enjoy the lowbrow entertainment with the rest of us mere mortals.

Anonymous said...

she's not a mortal til she gives up that disgusting breakfast.

Tao of Stieb said...

Hedda watching reality TV.

Welcome to the dark side, babe.